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Ayorzén, formely known as Ayorzén the Wily is an Easterling who once was a high-ranking commander in the forces of Rhûn until he failed in the ambush on the Host of the West and was thus imprisoned within Durthang. He thinks quite highly of himself.

Ayorzén (The Plateau of Gorgoroth)

Image of Ayorzén
Gender Male
Race Easterling
Region The Wastes
Area The Slag-hills
Map Ref [36.9S, 3.6W]

Mistakenly freed by adventuring heroes, and later recaptured by Annoth and brought out of Mordor, to the Slag-hills outside the Black Gate, where he is questioned by Gandalf and later given a chance for a new life in Gondor by Aragorn.

Quest Involvement

Ayorzén (Morgul Vale)

His confidence and skills might allow him to pull off an illusion to help the White Company in the Morgul Vale.

